Dear Stop the Towers,
I believe that the MP for Ealing North needs to be a champion for the area and its residents. It’s clear to me, that poor planning and proposed towers on the skyline not just in West Ealing, but elsewhere doesn’t serve either the community, nor the housing needs of residents.
I was pleased to take former Communities Secretary, Lord Eric Pickles to the site during this campaign. I wanted to show him how much the proposed plans would change the sense of community, the general aesthetic of the area and how strongly residents feel about these sorts of ideas. Getting the housing we need for Ealing North requires sensible planning, a look at ideas which work in harmony with the area, and an understanding of the type of housing needed. Ealing was once known as the “Queen of the Suburbs” if these proposed towers go ahead, it’s safe to say that accolade would be well and truly lost.
If I’m elected next week, I want to have a straight forward conversation with residents and planning authorities to find a better way of championing Ealing North. An MP can be a strong advocate for an area, they have to work with all the authorities and all those who are involved in proposed new building. I have been struck throughout this campaign by how little people feel they’re currently listened to and worked with.
I congratulate everybody involved in this campaign, and I hope to be able to work with you if elected next week.
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Pickles
Conservative candidate for Ealing North