Welcome to West Ealing Station

(Waitrose West Ealing first four pictures  &  Majestic Wine Hasings Road /Tide bottom three pictures)

Not ONE but TWO Planning applications have been submitted to build MULTIPLE MASSIVE TOWER BLOCKS the size of BIG BEN next to West Ealing station with deadlines to object approaching.

BOTH applications breach the local and London plan and have ignored ALL public feedback from their consultations.  Residents support development on these sites, but at the JLP consultation 90%  said the towers were too tall.

WAITROSE SCHEME John Lewis Partnership(JLP)

Multiple Tower blocks including: 20 storeys, 18 storeys, 16 storeys, and 11 storeys – (by comparison Luminosity is only 8 storeys tall)

JLP’s plan is to demolish their current superstore which is only 18 years old, and build a new store with a 20-storey tower block of flats on top, with an underground store car park.  The whole of the current car park will have three more massive tower blocks, plus further smaller blocks of flats. Their shadow image above shows how little regard JLP have for neighbouring low-rise homes by robbing them of any daylight with shadows looming over them. West Ealing is not an ‘inner city’ and this is not acceptable nor a reasonable argument to justify such behaviour.

Material reasons to object include:

  • Too Tall: The 20-storey, 18 storey and 16 storey towers are far too high – way above LBE guidance of 7- 13 storeys for this site and above the commitments made by the leader of the Council.
  • Lack of amenity space: the density of development and lack of amenity is not compliant with site guidance, the Ealing Plan or London Plan.
  • Not enough ‘affordable’ housing – which is against the affordable housing London Plan policy. Ealing Council stipulates a minimum of 35% whilst other London boroughs ask for up to 50%. Worse there is ZERO SOCIAL HOUSING – so won’t help any of the 12000 people on the council housing list.
  • This would be the third store on this site in 20  years. Slash and burn developments are not sustainable and against Ealing Council’s recently announced policy to refurbish buildings rather than demolish them.
  • Overshadowing, depriving local homes of daylight and of privacy.


Click here to link directly to the planning application (ref.  233076FUL)  on Ealing Council’s web site.

MAJESTIC WINES – Tide Developments (Tide)

Tide are planning to build 448 Student bedsits in tower blocks ranging from 21, 13, 9 and 7 storeys tall.

Material reasons to object include:

  • Too Tall: The 21-storey tower is far too high – way above LBE guidance of 7-13 for this site, and above the commitments made by the leader of the Council.
  • Missed opportunity for the site.  Ealing desperately needs family homes.  This site could be put to better use and provide much needed homes for people on the waiting list.
  • Over shadowing local homes depriving local homes of daylight and of privacy.
  • Not connected to any university, so purely speculative development 
  • Transport issues – Crossrail is already running at full capacity


Click here to link directly to the planning application (ref. 233551FUL) on Ealing Council’s web site

STT is an Ealing based community group representing local people and residents’ associations who are opposed to inappropriate development in suburban areas like West Ealing. We support affordable, progressive development of appropriate size and scale, particularly family housing for those most on need. 
Download a poster to display in your window here

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With thanks for all your support,

Stop The Towers
