With the New Year celebrations behind us, STT met with the council for an update on various tower schemes in West Ealing.
Manor Road Tower
Sadly the council has confirmed that work is due to start in February. This tower was one of the most controversial in the history of Ealing planning: only being approved on appeal after the council initially rejected it. The council lost the appeal due to its own failure to publish housing figures, so there was a presumption in favour of the developers – the so called tilted balance.
The site has been sitting empty since the builders caused a crack in the retaining wall above the adjoining station platform when they were clearing the site. The original construction company then went bust and, since then, new building regulations requiring a second staircase have come into force. Although only designed to accommodate one stairwell, the developers have squeezed in an additional one making some of the small one bedroom flats even smaller.
The council reassured STT that the plans have been checked and that work is due to begin in February.
Waitrose John Lewis site
This controversial planning application for tower blocks up to 20 storeys high was submitted in the school summer holidays last year. However, Ealing’s site specific guidance states only 7-13 storeys for this area. Ealing Council and the GLA are not satisfied with JLP’s plan for only 20% affordable housing in the development: the GLA would like 50% while Ealing Council would like to see 35- 40%. Either way, 20% affordable just isn’t enough for an area with a chronic need for affordable and social housing.
Out of interest, this is a quote from an article on 27th January on JLP’s plans for it’s turnaround:
“Nish Kankiwala, the chief executive, has signalled to partners that it will be refocusing on its core retail business after chairman Dame Sharon White’s plan to diversify into rental homes and financial services were beset with problems.” We can only hope
Majestic Wine
A planning application was again submitted during the school holidays in August 2023 for 448 student bedsits in 4 massive tower blocks when the site specific guidance is 7-13 storeys. There is no social housing provision.
The council have informed STT that they were not happy with the proposal and are waiting for Tide to come back with amendments.
The recent community meeting with the Council which STT attended with Ealing Matters and other local groups covered various West Ealing matters. To see the minutes of this meeting click here
With thanks for all your support,
Stop The Towers