Thank You
Huge thanks to everyone who came to last night’s packed “Stop The Towers” meeting, and particularly to those who submitted questions, helped set up and pack away and for the loan of the projector.
We had an enlightening Q&A session with Chair of Ealing’s Planning Committee, Cllr Shital Munro. We will be posting clips of this on our website shortly. It’s clear that there is a presumption in favour of these types of development at Ealing council – so we cannot underestimate the effort we all need to put in to stop these towers.
It’s also clear that politicians need to be reminded of our concerns about them. So please do continue to email them to tell them how you feel about these skyscrapers – click here for our how to object page with the various email addresses for our elected officials.
Ealing Half Marathon
If you’re watching the EHM this Sunday, don’t forget to take a Stop the Towers banner with you to wave, or you could wear a Stop the Towers T-shirt.
We have new A2 outdoor posters – please contact us and we’ll put one up in your garden if you’re on the route.
We’re also hoping to have a team at the start/finish of the event in Lammas Park to spread the message about the towers – volunteers needed please to make this happen! To support us at the EHM please email
And good luck to all the Stop the Towers supporters who are running on Sunday!
Thank you for your continued support – see you on Sunday.