Election Special – What’s the candidate’s views on the two proposed skyscrapers?

We’re in the last week of the general election campaign and we’ve asked all the local politicians for their thoughts on these two proposed skyscrapers next to West Ealing Station.  Click here to see their responses.

Why are we objecting to these two towers?

There are currently 85 towers of over 10 storeys currently being proposed, granted planning or being built in Ealing. 

Of which 26 are 20 storeys or more and of these, 8 are 30 storeys or more.  Over 36,000 flats are to be contained within these towers. At an average occupancy of two people, should all of them get built and occupied – could give Ealing another 72,000 residents by around 2030.  (source: West Ealing Neighbours)

Out of the 332 proposed flats between these two developments by West Ealing Station, only 36 will be available for ‘social housing’ and they are all in Hastings Road.  There will be no social housing in any of the 149 flats in Manor Road’s ‘fully affordable tower’.  Despite the call for more housing to tackle the 12,000 people on Ealing’s waiting list; if these get built, there will still be 11,964 on that waiting list.

If these two skyscrapers by West Ealing station get planning permission, it will ratchet up the height of every other building in the surrounding area. In correspondence to the GLA, developers have said these towers will ‘complement the emerging high-rise cluster around the station.’ Which is why it’s so important we do all we can to stop them being built.

Let your political candidates know what you think!

We’re keen to let our local candidates for parliament know what we think about these plans. If you haven’t done so already, please email your local candidates before the election and let them know your feelings about these skyscrapers

Ealing North Constituency (Manor Road skyscraper)
Conservative   Anthony Pickles- office@ealingnorthconservatives.org
Green              Jeremy Parker – jeremy@ealinggreenparty.org.uk
Labour             James Murray – james@jamesmurray.org
LibDem            Henrietta Bewley –henriettabewley@gmail.com

Ealing Central & Acton Constituency (Hastings Road skyscraper)
Conservative   Julian Gallant – office@ealingconservatives.org.uk
Green              Kate Crossland – kate@ealinggreenparty.org.uk
Labour             Rupa Huq – rupa.huq@ealinglabour.com
LibDem           Sonul Badiani – sonulbadiani@gmail.com
Thank you everyone who has donated and continues to donate to our fundraising campaign.  The money is being put to good use.  Our planning team have been busy working with the expert advice and are ready to upload the ‘how to object’ page on our website as soon as the plans appear on the portal.  

Kind Regards

Stop The Towers 

Download posters here

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Campaign activity – Stop The Towers Power Pointpresentation

See below for some of our estate agent style boards that have popped up, to request one please email: simon@stopthetowers.org