Ealing’s hastily reconvened Planning Committee could approve the controversial Perceval House plans this Wednesday (10th March)
The plans do nothing to reduce Ealing’s growing social housing crisis. And with the central feature being a monolithic 26 storey block of luxury flats, it’ll just add to Ealing’s surplus of empty apartments. This is a council sponsored scheme. On council owned land. But it has NO SOCIAL HOMES. Ealing Council could build a scheme with social housing provision – but has chosen not to. This is in spite of having lost over 1,300 social homes in the borough in the last 10 years. Social cleansing? What affordable housing there is in this scheme isn’t in the gleaming 26 storey tower, but is instead tucked away in so called “poor blocks” – “Poor floors: anger over new plans to segregate tower block residents” (The Guardian).
It beggars belief that our Labour council leaders are not only keen to approve this scheme as the planning authority, but as the co-developers are the proposers of this socially decisive scheme. And to top it all Ealing Council has chosen to lease the land to a private developer for up to 250 years. Just like the old town hall – they’re selling off Ealing’s family silver. What can you do to stop this? Well if you’re as outraged as we are by these plans, please:
1. Object online to Planning Ref 203275FULR3 today by clicking here. Even if you have previously objected, you can comment again on the changes they have made and whether you still object.
A list of valid reasons for objecting are on the STTEaling website – click here.
2. Email Ealing’s GLA member, Labours Dr Onkar Sahota and tell him your thoughts (Dr Sahota is seeking re-election in May).
Dr Onkar Sahotra
Thank you for your continued support.
Stop The Towers