24 hours left to object to the Perceval House scheme. Will Ealing Council listen?
Tomorrow evening (Wednesday 10th) Ealing Planning Committee will vote on the controversial Perceval House redevelopment scheme, including its 26 storey tower of 100% private flats. Although opposition to this scheme is overwhelming, and many people wanted to speak against it, Ealing Council has refused permission for additional speakers. This means just one resident will speak against the scheme, for just 3 minutes. Those that have been prevented from speaking include the residents of Apsley House.
Right to speak? Right to light?
Located on Longfield Avenue adjacent to the site, Apsley House is housing for people aged 55 and over who previously occupied larger council or housing association homes. Current residents are predominantly pensioners in their 70s, 80s and some in their 90s; many of whom are house bound with health issues relying on the sun light coming in through their windows to cheer them up, and vitamin D. This is heart breaking when you listen to what the residents of Apsley House have to say about the plans for the 26 storey tower block at Perceval House:
“Quite a few of us can’t go out so we rely on the sun coming through our windows, which is why we have such large windows.
And we’re going to have no sun all of a sudden.
What are we supposed to do? Sit in the dark all day?
I know we’re pensioners, but we’re still citizens and we’re still your constituents.
We are the people who vote for you.
And it’s about time, instead of thinking of the mighty pound,
You started thinking of your constituents”
Barred from speaking tomorrow night, they’ve prepared short videos about the impact on their homes of being dwarfed by the 26 storey tower.
If you want to hear from the pensioners Ealing tried to silence click here .
What can you do to help?
You can still object (see below). And you can watch the meeting, and see democracy Ealing Council style, in action. A link to the Planning Committee meeting is here Grab a box of popcorn and watch what unfolds. It’s not to late to act:
- Object online to Planning Ref 203275FULR3 today by clicking here. Even if you have previously objected, you can comment again on the changes they have made and whether you still object.
A list of valid reasons for objecting are on the STT Ealing website – click here. - Email Ealing’s GLA member, Labours Dr Onkar Sahota and tell him your thoughts. Click here.
Dr Onkar Sahotra onkar.sahota@london.gov.uk
Dr Sahota is seeking re-election in May.
Thank you for your continued support.
Stop The Towers
And if that’s not bad enough, look what’s happening on the 17th March:
The proposed development at Gurnell will consist of 6 tower blocks ranging from 6 to 17 storeys which is a massive 53m on protected Metropolitan Open Land. Also, the area has not been identified by Ealing for tall buildings.
The proposal is excessively dense. It contains 599 units – 403 will be open market sale, 98 Shared Ownership and 98 London Affordable Rent (this is more expensive than social rent levels and will have service charges on top). The affordable housing is totally segregated creating a “poor door” and those residents will not have access to the “communal facilities” such as the roof garden and residents hub.
Gurnell is on the agenda for the 17th March Planning Committee. There are now nearly 1,700 public objections. If you haven’t already objected you can do so here:
For more information you can visit the Save Gurnell website here.
Plus these other major developments all on one Planning Committee agenda!
CP House
210030FUL | Demolition of the existing 12 storey office building, and construction of part 11, part 13 storey office building with flexible uses at ground floor including hard and soft landscaping and all necessary ancillary and enabling works | C P House 97-107 Uxbridge Road Ealing W5 5TL
Link to the planning application click here
Dawley House
P/2014/0276 | Demolition of the existing building and construction of a part 12, part 11 and part 9 storey aparthotel (Class C1) with associated facilities and restaurant at the ground floor and business floorspace at the first floor; together with basement car parking and associated landscaping works (Departure Planning Application) | Dawley House 91-95 Uxbridge Road Ealing W5 5TH
Link to the planning application click here
Ealing Civic Society – link to their responses click here
Southall Phase 3 The Green Quarter Community, Southall Waterside
STT podcasts
Stop The Towers have produced podcasts on the subjects of the planning process, expert review panels, as well as Shared Ownership & Environmental Issues. These discussions with some experts in their fields that are compelling listening, click here
Podcast #3: Is the Planning Process in Ealing Broken?
Podcast #4: Design Review Panels and Community Review Panels
Ongoing support for Stop The Towers
For details about the many developments across the borough, please visit the Stop The Towers Ealing website; https://www.stopthetowersealing.org/
Further afield in Isleworth, the Osterley Tesco proposals, click here.
If you have time and skills to offer please email us; tell us what you can do and we’ll be back in touch. stopthetowers@hotmail.com
Whatever happens next we will need to continue our campaign work. Unfortunately this costs money so if you can offer even a small about to our fighting find this would be appreciated – click here. Remember every single penny goes into our campaigning activity to create a better area around West Ealing station.