West Ealing residents welcome development in the area but are concerned about the impact the height two skyscrapers will have on our community. We want to engage the community to work with authorities to find a better solution.
We are not against progressive development in our Borough. We are not against social housing. These proposals provide ridiculous, comical development and do very, very little in their context to aid any perceived social housing issue.
Enough is Enough! The Council will claim an acute housing need! The facts are only a fraction of the proposed 183 units on Hastings Road will go to those on the Council list at ‘affordable rent’ the rest sold privately or retained in part by the developer on the basis of shared ownership.
The scheme at Manor Rd claims to be 100% affordable. It’s a complete charade with the only affordability being that someone needs to earn around 41k a year to live there on a part ownership scheme. Again the developer retains an equity stake in the building.
These are not the answer to any perceived housing shortage.
- It will be a disastrous legacy for years to come
- They will dominate the skyline for ever
- Local infrastructure will suffer
- Loss of light – you cannot put a 100m structure next to low rise residential dwellings
- Privacy issues of overlooking
- Increased traffic, deliveries
- Safety concerns for high-rise living
- Pollution concerns due to ‘downdraught’ issues of lack of air circulation
On this site you can find out how to get involved in the campaign to stop these towers being built.