Dear Councillors

With regard to tomorrow’s planning committee please see attached a 3 page submission that the 15 groups below ask that you consider. It seeks to make two points:

  1. The officer report says that the benefits of the scheme must outweigh the harm it would cause. However, we note that the disbenefits of the scheme are nowhere assembled in one place. So our first page presents what we feel to be a fairer balancing of the benefits of the scheme as the officer report identifies them, against the disbenefits that objectors raise. Seeing things this way makes it difficult to figure how the benefits of the development could outweigh the overall harm that will be caused.
  2. Some relatively minor changes have been made to the unit mix since the 17th Feb Committee meeting. Yet the overall proposed provision for affordable housing retains three crucial conflicts with GLA affordable housing policy and local housing need. Pages 2 and 3 of our submission examine these using detailed analysis that the officer report lacks. Between them these three conflicts refute any claim that the benefits of the affordable housing are such that they could justify the high level of harm that the scheme would create in Ealing if it proceeds.

On behalf of the following groups we trust you will give due weight to what we say.


Will French

On behalf of the following local groups and residents associations

Save Ealing’s Centre,
Ealing Civic Society,
Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum,
Central Ealing Residents’ Association,
Gordon Road and Surrounding Streets,
Apsley House Residents,
Stop the Towers,
Five Roads Forum,
Walpole Residents Association,
Draytons Community Association,
Save Gurnell,
West Ealing Neighbours,
Kingsdown Residents’ Association,
Hanwell Village Green CA Residents’ Association,
Residents Association of Madeley and Westbury Roads

Read/Download the full submission here.