Dear Supporter,
Building communities; not skyscrapers
Congratulations to Norwich Council on winning the RIBA Stirling Prize this week for its’ environmentally friendly Goldsmith Street estate; a 100% social housing development. Read about this and watch the interview with Mikhail Riches at this BBC page:
Goldsmith Street wins the RIBA Stirling Prize 2019
In West Ealing by contrast, only 10% of the flats across both skyscrapers would be social housing and we don’t think they’ll be winning any environmental awards either. One recent article put the electricity use in tall buildings at more than double that of a low rise, and total carbon emissions twice as high too.
Weatherwatch: glass skyscrapers are worst energy offenders
Boards and Posters
We now have 50 estate agent style Stop the Tower poster-boards. We need to have these displayed in key points / prominently across Ealing, so if you live on a prominent road or street corner and could put one in your front garden, please contact and we’ll organise one to be delivered.
Planning Applications
We’re still waiting for the plans for Manor Road and Hastings Road to be validated; it really could be anytime and we need to be ready. Our planning team are working on the expert advice we’ve paid for using some of the funds raised. They will have a ‘how to object document’ available on our website as soon as the plans go live on the planning portal. But we are still fundraising for legal advice so please do donate here and thank you to everyone who already has done so. Donate here.
Finally, a huge well done to everyone who took part in Ealing Half Marathon – particularly to those who ran in one of our Stop The Towers T-Shirts!

Best wishes
The STT Team