A2 Dominion Housing would like to build a 25 Storey Tower block on the current Majestic wine site in West Ealing. This would be taller than Grenfell Tower. In addition, A2 Dominion also have plans for adjacent tower blocks of between 8 and 15 storeys. Local residents are concerned about this and about the total amount of development that’s planned for West Ealing.
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Residents are looking to raise funds to cover either legal or planning fees to challenge these plans.
It is expected that planning permission will be submitted towards the end of June 2019. At this point residents will need to submit a formal response.
Whilst it is accepted that these sites do need developing for the benefit of the community and London as a whole – it is felt that the development is too large for the local area and that existing local infrastructure (support services, health, education, and transport) will not be able to cope.
These finds will be allocated by a residents group that has been set up to challenge these plans.
More information can be found on the residents Facebook Page Hastings Road and Manor Road developments or by searching for “Hastings Road” on Facebook.