STT will be appearing at the appeal hearing to represent you all and we’ve appointed our lawyer to present and argue why the appeal should be rejected. But we still need to raise funds for this. Please do donate to our legal fund by clicking here

The Developers have put forward two main grounds for appeal, arguing that:

(1) LBE should not have rejected the scheme on the basis that it does not contain any London affordable rent/social housing. They argue that it is 100% intermediate “affordable housing”, (which is really not that affordable), which justifies a development of this density and height on the site. They argue the requirement for 40% social housing/London affordable rent is only a target which LBE should seek to achieve, so there is no breach of the plan if LBE fails to negotiate this and:

(2) The development of a tower on the site is consistent with the LBE development plan given:
a. The good transport links;
b. The need in the recently published London Plan (2021) to optimise the development of the site; and
c. The 100% affordable housing.

Full details are set out in a document called their “Full Statement of Case” which is available . It is well worth a read.

We don’t agree with the Developers position. We believe that the site would benefit from appropriate redevelopment, but consider that the Manor Road Towers should be rejected on multiple grounds which are listed on our website here

So what can you do to help?

STT will be putting in a detailed submission.

It is however open to anyone else who objected originally to put in a more detailed objection as long as they are received by 14 April.

If you want to do this, you should first read the Developer’s grounds for appeal to see if you are convinced by their arguments. Click here to read It has been prepared by planning consultants and is slick with a lot of spin.

Many local residents may not agree with all or any of the statements in the Developers’ latest submissions that:

(1) The building form and materiality would provide a high quality exemplary design that responds well to its context and enhances the appearance and amenity of an underutilised corner site;
(2) The architectural quality is suitably high, both in terms of coherent elevational treatment and has a sense of order and architectural organisation;
(3) The design respects heritage assets (namely the Edwardian Royal Mail Sorting Office on Manor Road and St Stephen’s Conservation Area);
(4) The development will optimise the development potential of the site;
(5) The density and height of the development is appropriate;
(6) In terms of visual impact the Appeal Scheme, when considered cumulatively with other surrounding developments would sit acceptably in its local townscape;
(7) The visibility of the proposed development within its immediate townscape setting is not in itself harmful;
(8) The scheme’s active uses will animate Manor Road and contribute to the vitality of the area;
(9) The tall element strengthens the legibility of West Ealing by highlighting the station. It will be perceived in association with the existing tall cluster at Ealing;(10) The site’s prominent location within the cluster of taller building reinforces the spatial hierarchy of the Metropolitan Town Centre location as a main centre of activity.

Or perhaps you may not agree with the Developer’s statement at paragraph 6.70:

Located on a prominent corner, the tall slender volume improves legibility of the area, by highlighting West Ealing station and signposting the Station entrance. The lower or shoulder volume has been designed to read alongside the other tall buildings that create the cluster, and steps down from the tall element to the station building and surrounding lower-rise neighbourhood.

STT considers that the towers represent overdevelopment of the site, packs far too many flats into too small a site, is too tall and will have an adverse impact on the surrounding buildings, there is no appropriate transition with the two/three storey surrounding buildings and, until the tower is built, there is no cluster. If however the proposal is approved future developers will want to add to the new cluster the tower will create and there is a real risk that further towers will be built round West Ealing station.

If you disagree with all or any of the points raised by the Developers or want to raise any further issue with the Planning Inspector please do so by 14 April at the latest by sending these to Leanne Palmer (the planning inspector) quoting appeal reference APP/A5270//W/21/3268157
Or by post to Room 3/J, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN (enclosing 3 copies of your letter)

Thank you for your help and continued support.

Stop the Towers