Legal fees fundraising to fight the Waitrose over-development
We’ve had a busy week at Stop the Towers preparing for our appearance at the Planning Inquiry on 19th November 2024.
We had a conference with our legal team and are going ahead with what we feel is the most compelling argument to object to John Lewis’s excessive plans for their West Ealing Waitrose site. We’ve got a strong legal team, and based on their expertise and advice, they are currently producing our Statement of Case for the planning inspector.
Legal fees aren’t cheap but we feel as this is such a huge development, our Rule 6 status deserves the best chance we have at fighting this huge over development. We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has so far donated to our funds – we cannot do this without your support! But we desperately need more donations to meet our expected legal fees of circa £50K. There are at least three ways to give:
1) We have set up a new Go Fund Me page for this appeal going forward so don’t be concerned that it only shows a few donations so far!
Please use the QR code below or click here to donate
NB the GoFundMe ‘tip’ can then be reduced to 0% – Once you have selected a donation amount (or amended it), the tip can be reduced from the default 18% to 0% by moving the slider to the far left hand side.
2) To avoid any fees, donations can be made by direct bank transfer. Click here to email for STT bank details
3) Cheques to ‘Stop The Towers’ can be posted to 40 Hastings Road Ealing W13 8QH
Ealing Council’s open goal
This is probably the most crucial development in the whole of central and West Ealing, and will set a precedent for all future developments if it gets the go ahead. Yet despite publicly saying they were against it, Ealing Council has declined to oppose it at the inquiry, saying they’ll leave in the hands of the planning inspector to decide. This dereliction of duty is like the goal keeper leaving the pitch during a crucial penalty shootout. So now STT is the only party, on behalf of Ealing residents, to stand up and make the case to the inspector to oppose John Lewis’s plans.
STT’s Legal Case
The planning application is not a done deal for either party and the planning inspector will decide at the inquiry. Our lawyers feel we have a strong case, as a lot has changed since the Manor Road appeal. That tower was (allegedly) 100% affordable, but the Waitrose development is only 19% affordable. There is now an updated local plan with site specific guidance and Ealing’s housing figures show they are already ahead of their quota. We will update you as much as we can but right now, time is of the essence and we really, really urge you to please, support us by donating to the legal fees.
How did we get here?
In case you missed it, details of how we got here are on our previous email – click here to see this.
However these are very unusual circumstances and with only STT representing the views of Ealing residents your continued support is more important than ever.
Other ways to help
We would like you ask your neighbours to join the STT mailing list. They may have recently moved into the area & not be aware how these plans could affect them. Perhaps send out a message on your neighbourhood WhatsApp group with this link There is a sign up to our newsletter box on the home page.
Or maybe you would like to organise a fund raiser? Do contact us if you have any bright ideas and can get involved.
Also, we want to deliver leaflets to homes around the area. Please click here if you can help.
Many thanks in advance
Stop The Towers